Ғылыми жұмысшы

Уикипедия — ашық энциклопедиясынан алынған мәлімет
Навигацияға өту Іздеуге өту

Негізгі капиталы білім болатын жұмысшыларыды Ғылыми жұмысшы деп атаймыз. Олар бағдарламалық жасақтама инженерлері, архитекторлар, инженерлер, ғалымдар және т.б. себебі бұл топ "күн көріс табу мақсатында ойлану" жұмысын істейді ("think for a living").[1]

21-ғасыр ғылым жұмыстары

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Knowledge worker roles

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Ғылыми жұмысшы рөлдерінің типологиясы

Рөлі Сипаттамасы Әдеттегі атқаратын жұмыс түрі Кітаптарда бұл рөлдердің бар-жоқтығы
Controller People who monitor the organizational performance based on raw information. Analyze, dissemination, information organization, monitoring (Moore and Rugullies, 2005) (Geisler, 2007)
Helper People who transfers information to teach others, once they passed a problem. Authoring, analyze, dissemination, feedback, information search, learning, networking (Davenport and Prusak, 1998)
Learner People use information and practices to improve personal skills and competence. Acquisition, analyze, expert search, information search, learning, service search
Linker People who associate and mash up information from different sources to generate new information. Analyze, dissemination, information search, information organization, networking (Davenport and Prusak, 1998) (Nonaka and Takeushi, 1995) (Geisler, 2007)
Networker People who create personal or project related connections with people involved in the same kind of work, to share information and support each other. Analyze, dissemination, expert search, monitoring, networking, service search (Davenport and Prusak, 1998) (Nonaka and Takeushi, 1995) (Geisler, 2007)
Organizer People who are involved in personal or organizational planning of activities, e.g. to-do lists and scheduling. Analyze, information organization, monitoring, networking (Moore and Rugullies, 2005)
Retriever People who search and collect information on a given topic. Acquisition, analyze, expert search, information search, information organization, monitoring (Snyder-Halpern et al., 2001)
Sharer People who disseminate information in a community. Authoring, co-authoring, dissemination, networking (Davenport and Prusak, 1998) (Brown et al., 2002) (Geisler, 2007)
Solver People who find or provide a way to deal with a problem. Acquisition, analyze, dissemination, information search, learning, service search (Davenport and Prusak, 1998) (Nonaka and Takeushi, 1995) (Moore and Rugullies, 2005)
Tracker People who monitor and react on personal and organizational actions that may become problems. Analyze, information search, monitoring, networking (Moore and Rugullies, 2005)

Note: From "Knowledge Worker Roles and Actions—Results of Two Empirical Studies," by W. Reinhardt, B. Schmidt, P. Sloep, and H. Drachsler, 2011, Knowledge and Process Management, 18.3, p. 160. Copyright by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Reprinted with permission.

Қосымша контексттер мен құрылысы (Additional context and frameworks)

[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]

Дракер (1999) ғылыми жұмысшылардың жұмыс өнімділігін анықтау мақсатында алты фактор анықтады, олар:

Анықтаушы факторлар

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[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]
  1. Davenport, Thomas H. (2005) Thinking for a living, Boston: Harvard Business Press

Арғы оқылымдар

[өңдеу | қайнарын өңдеу]
  • Bil Ton and Jean Peters De breineconomie — hardback. — Amsterdam: FinancialTimes Prentice Hall, 2001. — ISBN 90-430-0419-7.
  • Barbrook Richard The Class of the New — paperback. — London: OpenMute, 2006. — ISBN 0-9550664-7-6.
  • Davenport, Thomas H. And Laurence Prusak. 1998. Working Knowledge. Harvard Business School press. Boston, MA. 197 p.
  • Ikujiro Nonaka (1991). “The Knowledge Creating Company”, in Knowledge Management. Harvard Business School Press, 1998.
  • Leonard, Dorothy. 1993. Wellsprings of Knowledge. Harvard Business School Press, Boston MA. 334 p.
  • Alan Liu (2004). "The Laws of Cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information, University of Chicago Press
  • Mcgee, James and Lawrence Prusak. 1993. Managing information Strategically. John Wiley & Sons. New York. 244 p.
  • O'Brien, James, and Marakas, George. 2010. Management Information Systems, 10th ed. McGraw-Hill. Page 32.
  • Sheridan, William. 2008. How to Think Like a Knowledge Worker, United Nations Public Administration Network, New York.
  • Simard, Albert, John Broome, Malcolm Drury, Brian Haddon, Bob O’Neil, and Dave Pasho. 2007. Understanding Knowledge Services at Natural Resources Canada. 82p (in press, preprint available).
  • Thorp, John. 1998. Information Paradox. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Publishers, Toronto CN, 273 p.
  • Tapscott, Don and Anthony D. Williams. Wikinomics. 2006. Penguin Group, New York, NY. 324p.

Сыртқы сілттемелер

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