Мазмұнға өту

Quacquarelli Symonds

Уикипедия — ашық энциклопедиясынан алынған мәлімет

Quacquarelli Symonds қысқаша: (QS) білім беру және оқу әдістемелерінде тәжірибеленетін мекеме. Мекеменің негізін 1990 жылы Нунзио Кокарелли (Nunzio Quacquarelli) қалады. Бүгінде, QS әлемде 200-ден астам жұмысшы санымен Лондон (Хэмстед, Солтүстік Лондон), Нью Йорк, Париж, Сингапур, Штуггарт, Бостон, Вашингтон, Сидней, Шанхай, Йоханесбург дәне Аликанте қалаларында бөлімшелері бар. QS бакалавр, магистратура, докторлық, PhDs, MBA, және атқарушы MBA кандидаттарына қызметін көрсетеді. Студенттерге арналған шетел оқу жайлары жөнінде мақалалар және публикациялар жазып, өңдейді. 35-тен астам елдерде доктор немесе градуит студенттеріне арнайы іс-шаралар өткізіп тұрады.

QS Әлем университеттері ранкингі

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Азиялық ранкинг

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Латын-америкалық ранкинг

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Пән бойынша ранкинг

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QS жұлдыздары

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Бағдарламалық жасақтама

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QS MBA оқиғалары

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  • 1988-90: QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd was founded as a student initiative whilst Nunzio Quacquarelli was completing his MBA at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
  • 1990: TopMBA Career Guide and TopMBA International MBA Recruitment and Salary Research launched.
  • 1995: The first QS World MBA Tour was held in just two cities – London and Paris. Today, the tour travels to over 70 cities across five continents.
  • 1996: QS TopMBA Global Recruiters Top 100 Business Schools - an alternative to business school rankings, providing a list of business schools currently preferred by the most international MBA recruiters. In 2009, the name of this report changed to "QS Global 200 Business Schools 2009: The Employers' Choice".
  • 1998: QS TopMBA.com Applicants Research - a survey into the mindset and aspirations of MBA applicants.
  • 2001
    • QS World Grad School Tour was launched; today, the tour visits over 40 cities in more than 30 countries.
    • QS acquired Global Workplace, a network for professionals and employers looking to connect with alumni from international business schools.
  • 2002: QS Career Forums - a program of recruitment and career development events
  • 2004: THE-QS World University Rankings launched in collaboration with the Times Higher Education.
  • 2005
    • Scorecard - an online search and personal ranking tool of business schools worldwide
    • QS APPLE - The Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education annual conference and exhibition for international educators in Asia, Europe, America and Australasia.
    • QS Education Trust - a non-profit trust company providing scholarships for international study to candidates each year.
  • 2005-2006: QS TopApply - a specialized CRM system was launched that integrates in with business schools' internal application and candidate management processes.
  • 2007: QS TopInternships – a community website for helping first degree and Masters students locate internships, with an initial focus on English speaking countries around the world.
  • 2008: QS Asian University Rankings launch announced in partnership with Chosun Ilbo in Korea.
  • 2009
    • TopUniversities & World of Study Tour launches in London serving high school students and young professionals looking to emigrate through an international degree or vocational qualification.
    • QS acquired German software company unisolution, a European supplier of software solutions and services for institutions of higher education in the area of internationalization.
  • 2010
    • The QS Consulting division was formed and formalised as the advisory wing of QS.


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Сыртқы сілттемелер

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